New home for manufacturing
Made by you, Powered by us! Technologies Added in Emmen is the first Smart Factory in the Netherlands and abroad, as far as we know, for manufacturing by like-minded companies under a shared roof, as an alternative to low-cost country sourcing. It functions as your own factory, but is set up as a shared facility. This is possible thanks to a unique, flexible assembly concept. Technologies Added is an official Fieldlab at the Dutch national Smart Industry Agenda.
It feels like your own factory
Contract manufacturing based on collaboration / Focus on New Mobility, New Energy and Smart Indoor & Outdoor / One stop shop for OEM companies and hardware start-ups / Unique scalable assembly process / Own electronics production / Industrie 4.0
Some of our partners
Smart Lighting by Sustainder

Our launching customer Sustainder manufactures the most advanced multi-function smart city illumination at Technology Added. Including the electronics. Heading for 100,000 units a year! Using a dedicated semi-automated assembly line. With a major asset: Dutch-made!
Triple Solar 's PVT panel: fossil free sustainable heating

Last month Triple Solar moved the production of its PVT solar panels to Technologies Added in Emmen. The Smart factory in Emmen that ISO 9001 and Solar Keymark certified.
In-house water recycling by Hydraloop

Better for the world and your wallet too: the Hydraloop, an award-winning system for in-house water recycling. The first five samples were cobbled together in a corner of the factory. Now there’s a professional line, ready for the big time.
Dual Inventive

Dual Inventive develops and produces technology products that serve to make working on the railway infrastructure safer and more efficient, to maximize rail capacity, and to improve the reliability of the railway infrastructure.
Are you our next partner?

If the following description fits your product , chances are high that Technologies Added could be of interest: small to medium-sized batches, customer-specific as well as standard end products, a life cycle that are hard to predict, complex assembly processes (with both automated and manual stages), products that are in a continuous state of development and containing electronic components.Share your future with like-minded breakthrough companies. Join the benefits of first shared Smart Factory in the world. Fully equipend, industry 4.0 and ready use.